Thursday, March 13, 2014

Little hellions - a music 'dilemma' of sorts

I can feel it again. Starting to change. My music preference that is. I have a rather wide range that I adore. All of which share the similarities of deep layered meanings, play of words, catchy rhythms, guitar, piano, cello or some instrument that stands out, and at times, a voice powerful enough to haunt my dreams. This path is followed by songs and artists that I love that range from soft and subtle like calm alternative or classical types to the more eccentric, if you will, club and fast pasted tunes. To simplify it more, it's a range of soft to LOUD. Usually the soft is most beneficial for me keeping my cool, daily activities and working on projects.  Usually that is. But periodically, the coin flips, and all I want to hear is Loud music. Loud and Louder then the time before.  My pandora account mirrors this heavily. I have stations on one hand that are "Lorde, Florence and the Machine, Coldplay, Paradise Circus, Bing Crosby" and on the other hand are the "Kickstarts (Bar 9 Remix), The Glitch Mob, Pitbull."

I know these aren't that drastic of a difference. But when that coin does flip. I can't stand the music section that I, seemingly minutes before, could not get enough of.  It's also always something little and subtle that flips that coin too. This time, I was watching a cracked video while having my afternoon tea with biscuits.  There was, I think three seconds of Eminem's "Without Me" song used for one section of the video. It was a brilliantly timed bit of sarcasm and wit. And it fully tossed that coin on its head in one fell swoop of three seconds flat, during tea time too.

See, it is a bit odd and unexpected. I do enjoy the sudden change when the music takes over and the want, the need to listen more and more comes on.  It's an addiction at times that mirrors the addiction one can have toward a good book. Can't seemingly put it down, even for a little while.

So if my monthly music selection is thematically different this month, you know why.

Oh, and happy Thorsday everyone.

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