Friday, March 7, 2014

An Update of Sorts

So for the past few weeks I've delved heavily into two main things...sewing quilt tops and watching Once Upon a Time. That's right, this is my confessional. It's also a bit of an excuse to why I've not been on here a lot recently. I've been highly enjoying the immediate gratification of completing a quilt top. I've also been binge watching the 2.5 seasons of Once.. It all started with a quote I found that I thought was hilarious and managed to sent it to a friend that's a "Oncer" without knowing it. Before long she struck a bargain that if I watch Once with her, she'll watch BBC Sherlock with me. And by "watch" I/we really mean addict and or convert the other to a new fandom as it were. So needless to say we now both fully enjoy both shows. Flaws and all. Once usually isn't something that I'd watch necessarily, but it has grown on me exponentially.  (I partially blame their filming locations of Vancouver BC with it's familiar when watching the characters run through the woods, it's like watching my childhood and its imagination run rampant on the screen.. Which I do enjoy.)

Besides all the sewing and tv watching.. I've been up to:

-Baking! and baking a lot.. 3 plus dozen cookies, bread and quinoa.

 -Writing intermittently. Not as much as I'd like, but enough were I haven't fully stopped. I think I suffer from what I'd like to call "Brain Block" sort of like "Writer's Block" but on a more general level of the brain periodically. Basically, that's my fancy round about way of saying that after expelling a lot of creativity my brain goes dormant for a while and I have to wait for the creative pressure in it to build up again for the next spurt.

-(I want to say sewing again, just because I've been doing a lot of it lately.)

-Designing! Yes, I know, it's amazing, I can still design things. I've designed...oh, say...2-3-4? quilt tops and am in the process of designing a maze one for one of the ladies in my quilting group because her grandson LOVES mazes and she'd like to make him one. (Also, because I love designing them and have already designed a maze top, so doing a second/third is fun for me) And, I'm designing some suggestions for a former teacher and dear friend's yard. This has me a little stumped simply because I've gotten used to doing much larger non-residential projects. So it has been interesting for me. But I do like it.

-And lastly, having really, really, weird dreams. Usually I have no dreams for a few weeks and then very vivid surrealistic dreams for a few weeks. It's like my brain goes on hiatus for a bit between seasons.  As of late, my dreams have involved slightly random British celebrities, every day circumstances, and the most ridiculous of scenarios. Most of which I find rather amusing when I wake up.

So to wrap up this update-ish thing, I shall leave you with some photographs of my some of my most recent work:

A rainbow top that started with wonky log cabin blocks. I'm thinking of adding to it before the sewing starts.

Halloween table runner. Yes, I know, it's March now, but I figured if I start it now it will be ready in time for Halloween.

My "little" "helper" 

Halloween lap blanket. Also, haven't decided if I'm going to add a boarder to this one or not.

This is one that I've been working on for a long time. I designed the pattern myself. The only "real" pattern to it is the black and white triangles and then the bits in between are meant to be filled with scraps in the colors of your choosing. For me, I picked my most loved three: Purple, Blue and Green.

These are "mug rugs" made from scraps from one quilt I made and donated to Project Linus. These were a gift to the best friend as her favorite colors are earth tones and greens. This is also my first machine quilting job ever.  It was really fun to experiment with that.

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