Thursday, March 27, 2014

Books; Updated

As I had stated in my previous post about the various books that I'd love to read this year; many of them I don't own yet or can't find an available copy to sink my eyes into. Or so I thought.. (In fact as I'm writing this, I'm surrounded by books. And my face hurts from smiling.)

Since then, a friend has lent me "Soul of a Lion" by Barbara Bennett, which I'm currently reading...I should say, was and is currently reading..I found four short novels online that I read in the span of two and a half days. They were Norse myth based for the most part, full of emotion and I loved every word of them.

I went through my stacks of books and found several that I've been meaning to read that escaped my notice the previous time I went through them. Such as:
-"Cupid and Psyche" translated by E. J. Kenney (which I apparently started reading as there's an abandoned book mark in it)
-"The Canterbury Tales" by Geoffrey Chaucer  (I have read some parts of it but I've been wanting to read it in its entirety for some time)
-"Vincent by himself" Edited by Bruce Bernard (I believe this and its mate below, were birthday gifts from my best friend 10 ish years ago)
-"Monet by himself" Edited by Richard Kendall
-"Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen
-"Persuasion" by Jane Austen
-"100 Best-Loved Poems" Edited by Philip Smith 
-"Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley (I read it in high school but have been meaning to reread it. I absolutely fell in love with it one of the summers I went down to Southern Cali with my best friend and her family.)
-"Modernism in Dispute. Art since the Forties" && "Pioneers of Modern Design" (Two books that were left by a previous boyfriend in college. I know they're "text books" but I have a fondness for art so it can be over looked)

I also found that Esme Davis wrote another book after I had fallen in love with her book "Esme of Paris."

-"Seed of the Serpent" by Esme Davis

To add to it..

The other day, after an extended period of being stubborn about it, I finally clicked on the 'Amazon Kindle' icon.. Oh.. If you never head from me again.. It's because I'm tucked away somewhere with a cup of tea reading my eyes out. Needless to say, I already have over 40 books on it.. Some of which are:

-American Poetry, 1922 A Miscellany
-A Treasury of War Poetry British and American Poems of the World War 1914-1917
-The Masque of the Red Death
-As You Like It
-King Richard III
-Venus and Adonis
-The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
-The Secret Rose
-The Green Helmet and Other Poems - Yeats
-Various from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
-Various from Keats
-Various form Whitman
-Various from Fitzgerald
-Various from Shakespeare
-Various mythology books

Needless to say, anyone who was unimpressed at the length of my previous reading list.. In adding these lovelies to them, shows a more accurate representation of what I'd really love to dive into this year and the years beyond.

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