Saturday, December 28, 2013

Starting to deal with a broken heart..

In light of a sudden and traumatic breakup, of which I may or may not go into depth on in a future post, I would like to reflect on the good things that are present in my life. That's right, I feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest and in attempts to revive it, or more likely, grow a new one... here it goes:

- I am grateful for my parents' strength. Their strength in each other and in dealing with / helping me get through this.

- I'm thankful that I'm getting to know my father more. He's opened up quite a bit in the last few days. (He's been a rock and a giant teddy bear for me.)

- I read a short article on Malala Yousafzai, and I am so grateful for her strength and composer. She is only 16 and has gone through more than I could ever imagine. Her life and how she handles herself is such an inspiration. My troubles are so little compared to hers, I am so thankful.

- I am grateful for the fire place and a full woodshed. It is much warmer here then in Idaho, but I am a lover of the warmth.

- I'm grateful that I'm not crying all day, every day.

- As much as I feel abandoned, by the one person I had at once seen myself spending the rest of my life with.. I'm hoping that there is a strong man out there, somewhere, with a heart of compassion that's waiting for me. I'm grateful that I may yet still find him.

- I'm grateful for my two closest and oldest friends who have been helping me through this.

-I'm grateful for my cat, Boo. I know, kinda weird, but she's a comfort to me. A small mirror of emotions, love and personality.  Her fluff and sass light up my daily events.

- I'm grateful for quilts - the warmth, color and texture are a comfort.

- I'm grateful for books - their insight and escape are a great outlet.

- I'm grateful for the much warmer winter weather. Yes, I've come to enjoy the snow, but I have missed the rain quite terribly.

- I'm grateful that I currently don't have a job. I know if I did, my work would probably be suffering because of this.

- I'm grateful for the random meows and purrs from the cats. Their innocents and simplicity delight me.

- I'm grateful that I've been able to sleep at night, even though I've lost my appetite. I know without sleep this would be much worse.

- I'm grateful I'm still young.

- I'm grateful that I still, somewhat, feel like myself.

- I'm grateful I have New Years Eve plans with an old friend.

- I'm grateful this year is almost over and a new fresh start is upon us all.

- I'm grateful for anyone reading this. I hope this gives you encouragement in whatever trails you may be going through.

- I'm thankful for God not abandoning me throughout the course of my life. Only through His strength have I made it this far.  And only through it still will I get through this.

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