Monday, December 30, 2013

New Year’s Resolutions for 2014

This year, I’m actually doing a New Year’s list before the year even starts. And I’m super cereal about it too.  As a disclaimer, my list is part resolution list and part rest of life list. The future and long term ones will be denoted with an *.
So in no particular order (even though for some reason I numbered them):
1. Sing more in the shower. (When I sing in the shower, it's because I'm very happy. So more singing in the shower equates to more happiness.)
2. Relearn French (I’ve already downloaded several apps for this!)
3. Become more organized, i.e. notebook/sketchbook organization, one for quilting/sewing and one for blog stuff, etc.
4. Create a workout schedule and actually keep it! (I’ve failed this one many times in the past – three months is about when I get lazy and stop)
5. Start an Etsy shop. I’ve had this dream for about two years now and I should really just get on it.
6. Be nicer to my parents. After all they put up with me, and I’m rather moody and emotional at times. And that can’t be easy to put up with.
7. Finish the quilts I start. Or break my habit of starting a quilt getting about half way done or so with the top and then move on to the next quilt. I'd like to, generally, limit it to three quilts in progress at a time.
8. Donate to charities more.
9. Do more volunteer work. Like seriously, more of it. It needs to be done now!
10. Paint more.
11. Cry less. (If you know me personally, you know this will be a major thing for me to overcome.)
12. Learn German. *
13. Learn Sign Language. *
14. Learn to knit or crochet. *
15. Learn how to can. *
16. Be less judgmental  of people.
17. Take more pictures.
18. Read my Bible regularly.
19. Start a blog. (HA! done!)
20. Actively maintain blog (touche, self)
21. Learn how to play the piano *
22. Start experimenting / learning  how to sew / create clothes; design and construction *
23. Contribute to local food drives and charities, actively / annually 
24. Start a Charity or Scholarship foundation * (I actually have the names and goals already figured  out.. now just to be successful enough to get them started) 
25. Read more. (Actual books too! More to come about this.)

26. Become successful in whatever employment direction I end up in. (*)

27. (An over used on, but a good one) Travel more. Even if it's simply to cities and areas near me that I've never been. There's more than a few countries that I'd love to see, but in general I'd love to be traveling and seeing new places.

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