Thursday, December 12, 2013

And so goes the job hunt, with an overworked brain.

In my current job hunt, I seem to be finding three types of jobs. This is how, after a few months of job hunting paralleling my school endeavors, my over worked brain sees most job postings.  And yes, this may be a bit of a dramatization.

1) The ‘over your head’ job:

Must have Masters in (insert fancy degree here) or Doctrine in similar field and 2-3 years experience
Masters and 2 years experience
Bachelors in a related field and 4-5 years of experience

Facilitation and Direction of Overseeing insights and municipal budgeting of hazardous impact zone experience is required. (insert other long confusing descriptive sentences that really don’t pin point things, but they’re important too.)

(This job seems way over your head. And pays a lot of money. A LOT. Maybe one day you’ll get there. Maybe one day you won’t. But today, definitely isn’t that day.)

2) The ‘one you possibly could stretch to fit into’ or ‘could actually do’ job:

Must have Bachelors in a related field and 2-3 years experience
Masters in (insert fancy degree here) or related field
3-4 years experience or 2-3 years experience

Great people skills a plus!

Can you use multi-phone system and operate word? Apply today!

(This job seems do-able and possibly even fun or right up your alley! Pays ok to well. Ok, it pays more than that, you’re out of a job right now.)

3) The ‘you didn’t need to waste your time and money at college’ job:

High school diploma or GED required.

2 years + experience in related field is a plus!

Serving experience and excellent customer service is a plus!

(This job seems like a part time job. It seems like a job that possibly won’t destroy what’s left of your mind or emotional capability of handling yourself properly in public.. But then again, you’ve probably thought that about almost every job you applied for or gotten. But it seems nice. And nice sounds amazing.)

And while any of these jobs I would be grateful to have, since I am unemployed, I have no clue what would actually be happening at most of these jobs. The problem with most job descriptions / requirements is I have no idea if I’m wasting my time and theirs with most of these applications. I feel under qualified or over qualified and I’m searching for that happy medium. Where requirements meet reality and there’s still room to grow. That’s what I’d like to find. I’m sure something close to it or a stepping stone to getting there will come up eventually. I’m trying to stay positive in a sometimes dreary search for employment. If you’re in the market for a job, I’m sure these descriptions, with a few tweaks, sound familiar. To me, sometimes, they seem to start blurring together into a big joke that the internet itself has put on the web for its humorous advantage alone. Or possibly that’s the sleep deprivation talking.

On a super positive note, I got the radiator to pump out warm air instead of cold air for once.

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