Friday, December 27, 2013

Who is Boo and why does she love nature?

I realized that I introduced myself a tiny bit and why I had started this blog, but I feel that I left something out...the story behind the name.

I've had the name idea for a blog and such running a muck in my head for some time.  Being drawn to the outdoors and its creatures from an early age, I knew that I wanted some how to highlight that in both the title and its content. I played around with "Tree huger" and similar variations but nothing seemed to stand out to me. And then, like she usually does when I'm trying to get something done, my cat Boo interrupted my thoughts with all her fluffiness.  That's how the name took form.

She was a malnourished stray when I found her. I fell in love almost immediately and kept her. I really think she adopted me though.  She has the most intense personality. She sulks, plays with a vengeance, becomes extremely depressed  when I'm away for long periods of time, and always loves to lay on my current project. 

See, I try to get sewing done for a friendship quilt and this is what happens. 

So now you've been introduced to my little fur ball and partial inspiration.  I'm sure she'll be making more appearances in future posts. 

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