Monday, January 13, 2014

Odds and Ends

The odds and ends from this last weekend as follows:

There were wind and rain advisories..

So it made for the perfect weekend to cook, sew, quilt, and paint.

 And irritate the cat by taking her picture.

 And when in doubt, chocolate helps.

My "rainy day" quilt for whenever and if ever I move away from the rain. 

 Finally put the top together fully, now just to find a backing and quilt the sucker. 

I have adopted a few other projects that now hold priority over the rain quilt and another blue/snowflake quilt that I recently sandwiched.  Two of which need sandwiching and quilting and three need ties which I'm working on today and tomorrow. I hope to put up a 'how to sandwich' quilts soon. It is an odd phrase but it is accurate to what the operation does. 

 The rain let up enough for me to feed the adorably tiny Douglas squirrels that live near by. 

And since the floor was bare from laying quilts out, painting was also in order. 

The joke with my messy style of painting is "If there's not paint on it, it's not Kristin's".. This was confirmed when I found blue paint on the seat belt in my car.. I still don't know how that happened. 

Other activities of this weekend included cookies, making pizza dough and the subsequent pizzas. Next time I make the dough I will enlighten you all. Something went a little funny this time so that's why you're not reading something awesome about pizza right now. 

There were ups and downs throughout all this. As there is in most things. 

I hope you all are doing well. Or at least better than I. 

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