Wednesday, April 2, 2014

It's the little things

After spending an unprecedented amount of time standing on the back of the couch trimming neglected house plants, caused me to think of things I'd rather not, I made myself a cup of tea and decided to try and hash somethings out.  The mindless repetitive motion of trimming away dead branches and leaves allowed my mind to wander.  To walk among thoughts of work, past relationships, future meetings, and on and on.. I've noticed that my thoughts tend to drift more and more lately. Not saying that all I do is think, though, it has started to take large chunks of my day. Well, it accompanied by reading, writing and periodically editing.  I'd like to imagine the time I've spent stuck in my head does help in whatever is to come next.  Because that's the thing isn't it? The next thing could happen at any time, any moment, and you could not even realized it happened until days possibly weeks after.  Like most good or at least highly interesting things in my life, it all comes down to one small moment. A moment that changes everything. Usually it's small and seemingly insignificant, but when looked back upon, you realize that that was the moment that everything turned and changed.  Those small moments are the ones I love the most. Their simplicity reminding us the importance of details and small gestures.

For me, there have been several of these. Lending a pen. Having an empty period in my schedule. Turning down my music to listen to my neighbors headphones blare "Sweet Child O'Mine".  Showing a friend how to shift their weight on the metro in Paris to counter the force of its stop and go.  Sitting down in biology.  Sharing a quote.  Telling of a dream.  Taking another step down the stairs.  Giving insight into a design program. Curling my hair on a Tuesday.  I know there are countless others but these immediately jump to mind.

Looking down at the empty cup in my hand that I had momentarily tried to conjure more tea out of, I wonder if one of those sweetly simple moments have already happened and I hadn't noticed it. You never notice them till later. And I know I can't be the only one hoping in the back of their minds that maybe that little moment will be happening soon or possibly that it's passed and we haven't noticed that moment of bliss yet.  I'm trying to keep my mind away from it, honestly. Possibly in an act of ignoring its probability it will in fact show its face? Regardless, do keep your head up dear, if you are one like I in hoping for that little moment of pleasant change. They really are worth the wait.

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