Wednesday, April 16, 2014


To my slight shame, I realize I have abandoned you for two weeks... I do apologize, to a point. I think it all began with house sitting. A friend and former teacher had asked me to house sit for her while she went away on a five day vacation. I readily agreed. I love her house. It's close to town, but out far enough in the country where you're surrounded by trees. Plus, a kitchen, tv and hot tub to myself; she was on vacation- nope, I was. During that time, I did a lot of writing. More then I've done in a long time. And I think it's coming along well - I hope at least.

From there, time ran away from me. More then it has in a long time. I went shopping with my mom one day, visited a friend and helped her pull weeds another. Bought eight more books because evidently, I have a problem. And, I've been reading and drawing like a mad person. But if I am mad in my work, there is little I can do about it.

Yesterday alone, I wasn't feeling the greatest and did several drawings including far too many dragons, a few people and my first attempt at a mermaid.. I also realized that I may indeed be mad, for I have several books that I'm reading at the same time. I usually never do this, in fact, I'm usually very against doing this. At least in past, as I'm currently doing it now. Reading multiple books at a time, to me, was like cheating on the books themselves. Not being able to give any one book all your attention. I also couldn't figure out how people who read two or more books at a time kept the stories straight. And then, I think, maybe the books aren't that great and that's why they're reading multiple books. But maybe that's not the case. Right now, I'm reading:

-Cupid and Psyche translated by E. J. Kenney
-Soul of a Lion by Barbara Bennett
-Mission to Paris by Alan Furst, and
-American Poetry, 1922 A Miscellany by various
(and this is on top of the short stories and various odd fan fics I read online, almost daily now..)

Maybe my mind wanders too much. Maybe it depends on my mood. Maybe, I really just cannot help myself. If you've seen my previous book lists, you know, I have plenty of options in which to loose myself. And since it is far too easy to add to my collection of available literature, I plunge deeper into abyss.

And that, dear reader, is why I have been absent.

P.S. Also, there was two, three days of glorious sun.

P.S.S. I will leave you with random photographs taken in my absence:

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